A big thank you goes out to all of the people who came to the conference today. I hope that everyone had a great day. I know I have some new ideas for my own classroom thanks to our WONDERFUL presenters!
We ended the day with a board meeting and elected new officers. Congrats to everyone! I will post a list of everyone at the bottom of the post. At the board meeting, we voted to make this blog the new
Alabama English. Be on the lookout for monthly blog posts about innovative lessons and happenings from guest bloggers. It will also continue to be the news source for information about the organization and next year's conference.
2012- 2014 ACTE Officers
President - Amanda Esslinger
Vice President / President Elect - Anna Hartzog
Secretary - Ann Chandler Schuleva
Treasurer - Lacey Johnson
Past President - Lynn McGuffey
Elementary School Representative - Ali Phelps
Middle School Representative - Debbie Simms
High School Representative - Karli Morris
College Representative - Dr. Tonya Perry
NCTE Delegate / Liaison - Dr. Cindy Adams
Alabama English Editor / Blogger - Katie Ray